Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekly Stuff #1

At some point of time you would have come across something on the web that you would love to share with others. For this there are quite a lot of ways out there to do it; facebook, twitter, buzz and the list goes on... They are great, there is nothing I can say against these; but you see, if I decide to share things over there, then what do I do with my blog? No traffic = sadness! So I decided that though I don't get to 'blog' about anything, I'll just dump everything that I come across and feel is interesting over here!

From Tushar Suresh through tweetdeck
Thats something that I can connect to instantly!

black and white self-portrait of joshi daniel
An awesome self portrait from Joshi Daniel
Found this on Joshi Daniel's profile 'Joshi Daniel Photography | Images of people'. Me being absolute nuts for photography with excessive field of depth, just can't resist not loving this picture. Added to that, there is an awesome analog watch in focus! Waah!

 After the unforgettable thrash of Arsenal by ManU we had the much awaited ManU vs. Chelsea. Sure there were expectations of a good much ( at this point I have to agree that whenever ManU plays, the games are fun to watch; but don't interpret that as 'I like them') and we did indeed get a match that was fun to watch. A spectacular goal from Nani from outside the box, a hilarious slip by Rooney and a couple own goals missed by Chelsea! And one among them being my favourite - Torres being unable to score against the world's unarguably the worst goalkeeper in the world - 'thin air'!

Vettel ripping at Singapore
Vettel is ate the verge of securing a back to back championship at Singapore. And he has definitely done everything right till now. Securing pole with a huge margin of 0.351s from Webber just makes me wonder HOW? Looks like from here on its the Red Bulls, McLarens, Ferraris; Vettel apart... Looking forward to the race though! Paul Di Resta(10) and Adrian Sutil(9) in top 10, awesome!

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