Thursday, June 2, 2011

Right or Wrong

  The other day I was at the badminton court waiting for my turn to play. The game I was waiting for got over and I picked up my racquet to get in... but then I find another guy in my place. From nowhere he just got into the court and demanded that he had to get a chance to play since he too had all the rights to play in that court. Agreed. But then he had overlooked the simple fact that there were people there before him who were waiting to play there! The people I was playing with previously protested that I should be let to play as it would only be fair to allow me since I had been waiting for my turn for a couple of matches. Now, I was put in a dilemma, should I give the guy who just came to play, a chance or continue standing on the court and arguing why I should be allowed.
  I didn't see the whole point in arguing and wasting time to decide who should be let. Since I had already played two games before this guy had come I decided that it would be fair to let this guy have his first game. While it appeared to me that that was the right thing to do, the people I was playing with had a totally different view point. They started to argue that the four of us (it was doubles match) were playing together and thus should continue playing together. I can't really comment on if he was right to say that or not; this just infuriated the other guy and he became even more determined that he would not budge. The players I was playing with, still continued to claim that I should be allowed to play, whereas I was ready to give him a chance and this other guy was not ready to move :/. It ended in a not so pleasent situation, with the players I was playing getting off the court and leaving the new guy alone on the court with no one to play with.
  After a debate that lasted for around five minutes I went to the guys who were arguing on my behalf to ask if they would be ready to play the next game. To my surprise they started telling me that it was wrong on my part to allow him to play. All that was going through my mind at that time was, "What!! me... wrong?!? Why?". When I look back now I can't figure out what I should have done. These guys were reasoning for me and I let them down by allowing the guy who hadn't gotten a chance to play. Was it fair that I went against the guys who were on my side and gave a chance to another guy to have his first game since I had already played two games?

  I still feel that I was right on my part to let him stay on the court. It is true that he had made a mistake by not checking if anyone else was there before him, waiting. But it was also true that it was his first game and I had already played.

  Its fine to argue if you think you are right, but you have to know both sides of the story before you decide to stick to your points. Ego blinds one from looking ahead of what they already know due to the fear that what they discover might actually be against them. But later when you have gone quite far down that path and the damage is done, your ego is not going to be there to cushion your fall. I can't say that only the guy who stormed in was wrong; it was also the fault of the people that were arguing for me to have tried to control things ( it might appear like i'm showing ingratitude towards them, but, thats how i feel!) . We could have always waited for the new comer's game to end and played after that... Yet again I can't say that I am right (I don't know both the sides of the story!), 'cause they could have wanted to play that game because of their own reasons; probably they wanted to go back home early or something else.

  Things like this happen all the time in life. You are put in a dilemma as to whom to stick with and often it ends up with you hurting the feelings of someone or the other. What do you do then? It is probably going to take me forever to figure out a safe, rather reasonable way out, where things sort themselves out without causing any complications.

  On a different note, here is Raghu Dixit performing antaragni:

Official Music Video.
Directed by Varun Agarwal
D.O.P : Subbbaiah Kuttappa


Anonymous said...

Well, you were NOT WRONG when looking at it as a whole... But you did leave your closer ones down, which is probably wrong looking from the 3 other players' point of view... I guess it's just a matter of who you are! "The pal or the good boy?"

Anonymous said...

Nice post.. You were not wrong.. nor were your friends. Just rest easy knowing that you are more accommodating. It's not wrong.. just a way of being! And maybe your friends just wanted to play at that time! and you spoilt it for them :P